
Silence: Yoga Teacher Training in India

Sometimes silence is the loudest sound of all. It can be noisy and frightening at times. It can also be blissful. We often think of silence as something that is external. But the most powerful kind of silence comes from within. Silence is a topic we've discussed and contemplated many times over the past weeks. It's something we've struggled with as a group and as individuals. It seems that being quiet for 10 minutes, whether for meditation or in our daily lives, would be an easy task. But it's one that many struggle with. Silence makes us uncomfortable. We use chatter as a way to suppress the thoughts and emotions that might arise if we are silent. We use talking as an avoidance tactic when we're with another person. To avoid the "uncomfortable silence."

Yoga Teacher Training India - Rishikesh

Yoga teacher training in India registered with Yoga Alliance, USA. Yoga Teacher Training India | Yoga Alliance Teacher Training

Surrender - Yoga Teacher Training India

Surrender is a topic that's come up often in our classes and discussions over the last weeks. But what are we really talking about? Is it submission? Is it giving up? Is it letting go? We sometimes associate surrender with defeat or weakness. But surrender isn't a sign of weakness at all. In fact, it's an act of courage. It's similar to how we say to be the 'bigger person' and just walk away when someone is taunting you or trying to start a fight. It can be far more difficult to turn your back than to return the insult in these situations. It takes an enormous amount of self-control and a higher level of understanding. Do these sound like qualities of failure to you? We live in a world where there's a constant battle for control, and we're afraid of what might happen if we loosen our grip on it. We want a plan and the security which that offers. But surrender is necessary in order to face the world and our lives with an open mind. We must be brave e...

Ahimsa - Yoga Teacher Training India

Mahatma Gandhi Ahimsa is a term meaning "do no harm". The word is derived from the Sanskrit root hims - to strike; himsa is injury or harm, a-himsa  is the opposite of this, i.e. non harming or nonviolence . In general, I consider myself a pretty non-violent person. I am caring and am continuously trying to understand other people. Still, I often cause harm through ignorance and misunderstanding. It is easy for many of us to forget about the importance of being more than "good" - the importance of being intelligently good.  At the beginning of this week, I carried out a  violent action .  In the effort of challenging myself, I went too far and strained my upper hamstrings. As yoga practitioners, we have all been there. There are times when we ignore the limitations of our bodies and push for what we want - flexibility and a more beautiful asana practice. When we do this, we are in truth, acting  violently . As teachers, it is imperative to learn how t...

Urgent Notification: TTC/June/2012

RECONFIRM THEIR PARTICIPATION BY 30 APRIL 2012. Wait-listed students will be allotted seats from May 2, 2012. Those of you who want to avail transportation services from Delhi airport to Rishikesh which costs approx. US$ 85 by car, need to send their flight details to us by May 20, 2012. Yoga Teacher Training India Yoga Teacher Training India | Yoga Alliance Teacher Training | Подготовка учителей йоги в Индии | Formación de Profesor de Yoga en la India | Yogalehrer-Ausbildung in Indien | Formation de Professeur de yoga en Inde | 印度瑜伽教练培训 | 인도의 요가 교사 연수 | Yogalärarutbildning i Indien | Curso de Formação de Professores de Yoga na Índia | ヨガティーチャートレーニングインド | Yoga Scholarships India | Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Starlim India - Rishikesh: Appreciate the Arrangement

When our body isn't functioning properly, all we want is to just heal. Let's say you've got a really bad cold and you're having difficulty breathing. Your mind is consumed with thoughts of getting better. You're thinking, 'I can't wait to be able to breath again!' And then one day you wake up and realize that the congestion has gone away and you can take a full, deep breath for the first time in a week. You're so happy and thankful. You appreciate having a clear nose and a clear head. The relief fills you with an immense sense of joy.  Why can't we be this grateful all the time?  "Appreciate the arrangement," our teacher tells us as we lay in shavasana observing each part of our body after our asana practice.  When's the last time you stopped to give thanks for this perfect arrangement that is capable of so much? The human body is a miraculous thing, but we seldom take the time to be grateful for it until something g...

Yoga Teacher Training Course - Peace, Love, and Chocolate

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Over the last year, I have been on a search for both employment and also purpose. I graduated from a prestigious university and assumed that my graduation would lead me into a position that would be rewarding - rewarding at least financially, and rewarding in that it would open up more opportunities for me in the future. I have interviewed for several positions and continually been asked serendipitously  "What's your primary goal in life?" Before my last interview, the driver who fetched me on the morning before my meeting with the executive officer even asked, "What do you think is the purpose of life? For some reason, all I could ever think of was, "Peace, love, and happiness." I'd answer as expected upon occasion, but perhaps did not seem entirely sincere - as this greatest goal of mine was so clear in the back of my mind, but seemed too silly to say. On our first day in class here, our instructor started talking a...